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How to Connect Pinterest & Instagram 2025

Have you seen the new Pinterest and Instagram integration? Pinterest has recently rolled out a brand-new feature that allows you to claim your Instagram account!

This feature is native to Pinterest and doesn't require any third-party tools or app. Let's take a look at exactly what the benefits are, how to turn it on, and how to use it for the best results!

Can you integrate Pinterest and Instagram?

Yes! As of early 2024, Pinterest has begun rolling out its Instagram integration. If you don't have it yet, don't panic! Follow the instructions on this blog to find it in your Pinterest settings.

What does the Pinterest & Instagram integration do?

Once you've connected your Instagram account in the settings you'll be able to:

  • Automate posting your IG posts as pins
  • Have a link in your Pinterest profile linking back to Instagram
  • Claim the analytics of any of your Instagram posts that are pinned by other people

How to connect Instagram to Pinterest

To claim your Instagram account, go to your Pinterest settings and select the ‘claimed accounts' tab in the settings menu.

Here, you will see the option to connect your Instagram. It's super easy and only takes a few seconds.

Setting up the integration for best results

If you wish, you can just connect Instagram and Pinterest without pulling through your Instagram content. You will still get the clickable link to your IG account, and you'll still get the analytics attributed to you if someone pins from your Instagram.

If you also would like to automate the publishing of your Instagram posts, you will need to select a board that they will be published to.

TIP: All your posts will go into this one board unless you change it later in your Pinterest settings. I recommend creating one dedicated board just for your Instagram pins. Give your board a title that describes the content – e.g., ‘Yoga tips for over 40s' – and NOT a title like ‘Instagram posts'. This gives your pins an extra SEO boost.

Benefits of the Instagram and Pinterest integration

The auto-publish feature has many benefits and I'm a huge fan already!

  • The consistent supply of content from Instagram keeps your account active if you're having a slow period and can't publish pins
  • The time you can save utilising this feature is considerable
  • Sometimes unexpected pins can really take off on Pinterest. Even though the pins coming from Instagram aren't optimised, there is still room for them to perform well
  • Without changing anything on these pins, you have the potential to drive traffic back to Instagram and grow your Instagram account.

The difference between Instagram and Pinterest

Whilst this is an exciting new feature that can enhance the performance of your Pinterest account, it's important to remember that the platforms are very different, and need different strategies.

Pinterest is a search engine and your pins need to be SEO optimised, whilst Instagram is more for sharing real-time updates with your community.

If the content coming through from Instagram doesn't have any keywords in the caption, or the image isn't appealing, or there is no educational content, then leaving these pins as they are won't be enough to attract your audience to them.

You're going to need to check in with your pins coming from Instagram and optimise them.

How to optimise the pins coming from Instagram

It's easy to edit the pins, especially if they are all being saved to the same board (as I recommended earlier).

Give your pins a title. They come from Instagram with just the caption, you need to add a title to strengthen their SEO.

Change the URL. These pins save the URL of their respective Instagram post. If you have a related sales page/blog/freebie link you are promoting in the pin, you will need to swap the URL.

Add keywords to your pin description. If your IG caption was lacking in keywords, edit the description to include some. Remember to keep it sounding natural, no keyword stuffing!

Delete any random pins. You'll notice Pinterest pulls through each slide of your carousels and individual pins. Delete any that don't make any sense as a stand-alone pin.

Is it worth it? Early results

It's still very early days to see what the results of the integration are, but after using the feature for a month now (and speaking to people in my membership who have also been using it), I can confidently share the following:

  • Impressions (views) from the connected Instagram account are outperforming new optimised pins. This is to be expected as pins take a while to start showing up in searches and suggests that Pinterest may be giving the Instagram algorithm some extra love.
  • Reels are outperforming static images coming from Instagram
  • Static images from Instagram carousel slides can still perform well

Feeling ready to get started on Pinterest? Here’s how I can help…

📌 Download my FREE Pinterest Quick Start Guide to get you off to the best possible start on Pinterest for your business marketing.

📌 Visit my Template Shop for easy-to-customise and high-converting pin templates for Canva

📌 Join the PinPower Growth Academy, my low-cost Pinterest membership provides you with everything you need to grow on Pinterest!

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Pinterest A-Z Cheat Sheet

From understanding what a ‘Board’ really does to unlocking the potential of ‘Rich Pins’, this list will help you demystify the platform, one term at a time. Ideal for newbies ready to dive in or anyone looking for a quick refresher.